SGU 5×5 – Five Minutes with Five Skeptics. A weekly science podcast discussing news in the world of science and pseudoscience. A companion to The Skeptics’ Guide to the Universe weekly podcast. www.thesgulegacy.org/5×5
The Skeptics’ Guide 5×5 Episodes
- What's the Harm?
- Anecdotal Evidence
- Facilitated Communication
- Naturalistic Fallacy
- Celebrity Pseudoscience
- Cancer Cure
- Chilean UFO
- Availability Heuristic
- Representativeness Heuristic
Older Skeptic's Guide Episodes
- Creationism
- Biofuels
- Slippery Slope/Post Hoc
- Testable
- Graphology
- Harry Houdini
- Repressed Memories
- Magnets
- Chelation
- Nostradamus
- Chiropractic - Part 3
- Chiropractic - Part 2
- Chiropractic - Part 1
- The Unification Church
- Chemtrails
- PSI - Part 2
- PSI - The Ganzfeld Experiments
- Prediction
- Bermuda Triangle
- Irreducible Complexity
- Psychic Surgery
- Naturopathy
- Polygraphs
- The Lunar Effect
- Crop Circles
- The Double-Blind Protocol in Science
- The Argument from Design
- The Coriolis Effect
- Perpetual Motion Machines
- The Age of the Earth
- Randi Million Dollar Psychic Challenge and Connie Sonne
- The Roswell UFO Mythology
- New Element Discovered
- Einstein's Eclipse and General Relativity
- Near Death Experiences
- Skepticism 101 - Special Pleading
- Plausibility in Science
- Skepticism 101 - Scientific Theory
- The Clever Hans Effect
- Possession and Exorcism
- Skepticism 101 - How to Argue
- Friday 13th Superstition
- Cryptozoology
- Sprites and other atmospheric phenomena mistaken for UFOs
- The Self-Corrective Nature of Science
- Skepticism 101 - Moving the Goalpost
- Probability
- Skepticism 101 - Poisoning the Well
- Skepticism 101 - False Dichotomy
- Anecdotal Evidence
- Atlantis
- Skepticism 101 - Channeling
- Skepticism 101 - The Argument from Ignorance
- Skepticism 101 - Argument from Authority
- The 10% Brain Myth
- Remote Viewing
- Skepticism 101 - Correlation and Causation
- Chi and other forms of vitalism
- Homonculus-based Medical Pseudoscience
- Holocaust Denial
- Skepticism 101 - Confirmation Bias
- Skepticism 101 - Logical Fallacies: Straw Man Argument
- Skepticism 101 - Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
- Skepticism 101 - The Ideomotor Effect
- Skepticism 101 - Pareidolia
- Skepticism 101 - The Scientific Method
- Skepticism 101 - Cold Reading
- No sunspots in August - will this lead to a period of solar cooling?
- Woman claims wires grow out of her body.
- The Shroud of Turin - Shroud scientists try to resurrect the controversy
- Skepticism 101 - Occam's Razor
- Digital Homeopathy 20 years after Benveniste
- Evaluation of a UCONN study of therapeutic touch on bone cells in culture.
- The SGU celebrates the 39th anniversary of Apollo 11 by debunking some moon landing hoax myths, and they are joined by Phil Plait, the Bad Astronomer.
- Exposing the logical fallacy of equating faith healing with medical care.
- Cracking the Dogu Code - Ancient Astronauts
- New study sheds light on genetic vs environmental contributions to sexuality.
- NASA Plans Probe to the Sun.
- New strategy for SETI - The Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence.
- Lame car design analogy to intelligent design from the Discovery Institute.
- Researchers allow monkey to control robotic arm with its mind.
- Family claims women miraculously brought back to life after rigor mortis
- SPAM Chainletter e-mails do not spread as virally as thought.
- The Science of Science-Fiction Movies
- Man Regenerates Finger - Bad Science News Reporting
- T-Rex proteins closely related to chickens
- Surgery under hypnosis.
- Examining a fossilized snake - with legs.
- Nomophobia - the fear of being out of cell phone range.
- Man convicted of molestation claims he was raped by Bigfoot.
- Faith-healing cult leads to child death from medical neglect.
- The Rogues discuss an art project to give the city of Portland, Oregon acupuncture.
- Steven Spielberg to create new paranormal online community.
- An Emmy award winning actress and her 911 conspiracy theory
- Crytozoology - Hunting for the Thunderbird.
- The panel discusses a proposed center for exorcism in Poland.
- Dr. Harris's Pain Relief Snake Oil Infomercial
- Pope Benedict XVI takes on science.
- Do celebrity deaths come in threes? The rogues take on numerology.
- Multilevel Marketing and Pyramid Schemes
- Ghost Photographs - the SGU crew discovers a new form of photographic artifact mistaken for "ghost" photos.
- The National Health Service of the UK plans to regulate alternative medicine. www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/health/article3134337.ece